About Me

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I have been married to Mike for 7+ amazing years. We have 3 beautiful and fantastically sarcastic daughters. Alexandra is 15, Jordan is 14 and Samantha is 7. I love my babies and my husband with everything I have and wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wedding at the Salt Lake City Temple

We drove to Salt Lake City on Thursday to put Jordan on a plane [:-( I miss my baby!] to Pam's house and to pick up Alex and Mya coming from Pam's house...5 1/2 hours in the airport!

My niece DeLisa married "the man of her dreams" on Friday so here are a couple of pictures of them after coming out of the temple. There is also a couple pictures of Alex, Mya and Sam in front of some of the flowers I love so much. Friday was nice and extremely hot but always so beautiful with the hundreds and hundreds of flowers they have everywhere.

Fun In The Sun!

After church on Sunday Mya and Samantha got their swimming suits on and ran through the sprinklers for a few hours to try and beat the heat.

Typing Test...