About Me

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I have been married to Mike for 7+ amazing years. We have 3 beautiful and fantastically sarcastic daughters. Alexandra is 15, Jordan is 14 and Samantha is 7. I love my babies and my husband with everything I have and wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Many Faces/Phases of JoJo

My JoJo has always had big, beautiful, luscious lips...and she could turn the pout on from the time she was a wee little baby!

Isabella Sky Moon Fry Mitchell has surgery...

Our little Izzy girl had some surgery on the 3rd of February. We had her spayed, her hernia fixed and all her shots given. Then the vet said she had a baby tooth that was bad enough it needed to be pulled to prevent more severe problems in the future. Poor pitiful little thing was drooling all over Alex and Jordan when she came home. She was held as much as she would let the girls hold her.


It has been forever and a day since I have updated my blog and I am a little embarrassed about the whole thing! LOL I think it was right around the time I was introduced to Facebook that the blog thing went in the toilet. Well, I am back and I will be updating the blog from time to time...I PROMISE!

Typing Test...