About Me

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I have been married to Mike for 7+ amazing years. We have 3 beautiful and fantastically sarcastic daughters. Alexandra is 15, Jordan is 14 and Samantha is 7. I love my babies and my husband with everything I have and wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wedding Cake I did last June...

I invited Neil and Kristy over for dinner last night so we could discuss the wedding cake I will be starting on Thursday. It made me remember the last wedding cake I did and decided to put a picture of it on my blog.

The bishops wife asked me if I would be interested in doing a cake for her daughter-in-laws sister. I reluctantly said yes, not because I didn't want to help, but because I get so crazy when I make a cake for anyone. I worked mostly with the mother of the bride and she was very accommodating to my lack of skills and/or experience. They were trying to keep costs to a minimum so she decided she wanted just frosting instead of fondant...problem was...bride wanted ribbon around the cake. Frosting and ribbon don't mix well because the frosting moves as you try to attach the ribbon.

My poor family has to deal with my insane-ness (is that a word?) and my panic attacks and my nervousness but they are so great to give me love and encouragement along the way when they probably really want to smack me upside the head! Here is the finished product...I will post pics of Neil and Kristy's cake soon!

Typing Test...