About Me

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I have been married to Mike for 7+ amazing years. We have 3 beautiful and fantastically sarcastic daughters. Alexandra is 15, Jordan is 14 and Samantha is 7. I love my babies and my husband with everything I have and wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Money, money, money...mooooonnnnnnaaaaaay!

The girls were hard at work earning money from my boss again this week. Wish I had the money to pay them to get this kind of cleaning done at the house!

Michael's 40th Birthday Present...

Thanks to some birthday's gifts presented as cash Mike was able to finish his art work. He "now has his girl's with him at all times!" The pictures used were when Alex was 3 and Jordan was 1 year old.

Typing Test...