About Me

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I have been married to Mike for 7+ amazing years. We have 3 beautiful and fantastically sarcastic daughters. Alexandra is 15, Jordan is 14 and Samantha is 7. I love my babies and my husband with everything I have and wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My girls think I am a Geek with a capital G!

I made the girls let me take pictures of them "walking" to their first day of school. How did I get them to agree to this? I reminded them that I could drive them to school and walk them to their first hour class for pictures of them in thier desks...worked like a charm...

Back To School!

Alex, Jordan and Samantha started school this morning. Alex and Jordan were devastated when I told them thier dad and I were going to take them to school and walk them to their first hour class so we could get pictures! For some reason middle schooler's and high schooler's don't think it's really cool to have mom and dad take them to school!?! I don't get it.

My beautiful babies all dressed up for school.
Alex rockin' the high school look!
Jordan rockin' the middle school look!
Samantha learning how to work the breakfast line at school.
Samantha putting all the school supplies in her desk. Will she really use all that glue?

Typing Test...